Misc. Matches/Results


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This is the place where the results of NWA matches that take place in other places suchs as EWA or the WA! Locker Room or what not...etc..


The first match to be added is the Rhino -v- *Dark*Nachos* match that took place at the EWA Arena. Results to this battle.

The match started off normal, RHINO was working over the legs and arms of DarkNachos so he couldn't hit the Guillotine or the NachoLiners. RHINO nails DN with a hughe Vertical suplex followed by a flying back elbow off the top ropes. No one could have seen what was next. RHINO was going for the Flying Wheel Kick, byt DN nails the new move he calls the Saber Bomb[which is a power bomb] He hits it, and nails him with the T-Bone NachoPlex. RHINO just barelys crawls outta the pin. RHINO executes a perfect RHIN-O-Matic onto DN. He goes for a pin. DN kicks out. DN goes for the Mafia Kick, but RHINO ducks, but he can't counter the ChessyMission. He is able to climb to the ropes. DN doesn't let go. RHINO low blows him and bounces off the ropes and hits the GORE!!!!!! He doesn'tpin. He goes for it again, DarkNachos is ready and captured RHINO in the Gargyole NachoPlex outta nowhere. He knocks RHINO to the outside with a giant NachoLiner over the toprope. RHINO goes for the RHIN-O-Cution, but DN grabs his legs and lands the SlingShot into the post on RHINO. RHINO's blood flies everywhere. DarkNachos does it once again to make it work more. He throws him back into the ring. He whips RHINO againt the ropes and tries for the T-BONE NachoPlex, but RHINO finds the strength to counter and hit the huge RHINOCUTION, the referee makes the count. 1.............2..............the ref doesn't see DN's leg on the ropes and his hand goes down for the 3rd hit...3

RHINO wins the match by hitting the RHIN[Edge]O-Cution