NWA Endurance! 01.12.02

NWA Endurance! came to the start with a special interview with Ugly Kid Joe. Ugly Kid Joe stated he had a match with RIVER CITY MADMAN for the TV title. River City came to UKJ's face and trash talked him. UKJ didn't take to kindly to it and he attacked RCMM, opening him up. The refs came and tried pulled UKJ off of him. John Christian walks out and talks to UKJ stating to him, to leave for the night and he will get the shot at a later date. The EMTs take RCMM to a near by hospital.

The cameras span around the crowd as ManiaK's music hits. He walks to the ring in a tux holding papers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen..............WELCOME TO ENDURANCE!.....Tonight we will be hosting the top rated battle royal in the business with superstars like New Jack, Blastard 6, Rhino and Grim HurriKane have entered to try to get the top prize in NWA, the World Heaviweight title. We have some great matches tonight. Blasty 6 takes on Over the Edge for the Vacant International title. New Jack will take on me in an hardcore rules match. *Dark*Nachos* and Rhino defend their tag titles against the duo of The Grim HurriKane and Bastard 6. Well thats get on with the show............................

Blastard 6 runs to the ring with a determined look on his face. Over the Edge walks to the ring thinkning he has this one wrapped up in the bag. They lockup. Blasty hits a few punchs and OTE takes him down with a Russian Leg Sweep. B6 tried to make a come back but is taken down with a Mafia kick. Eye Rake by B6 to gain control of the battle. He aims his leg as he hits him with a knee lift. B6 nails OTE with a big kick in the groin. OTE falls down to the mat. B6 goes for his famous BlastySault, OTE sees it coming and dodges it. He knocks B6 out with a O'Slam. Out of nowhere The Grim HurriKane comes to the ring with a hockey stick. He slides the Hockey stick to B6 as he distracts OTE. Blasty grabs the stick and puts it around Edge's head and executes a Front Russian Legsweep. He covers Over the Edge and the ref counts the 1.2......3. Blasty6 is crowned the International Champ as he and HurriKane run to the back.

Back stage New Jack and Rhino talk to each other. New Jack says he is very angery at ManiaK for the Crime and Punishment situation, and he can't trust him. Rhino replies."Man, ManiaK is harmless, he just was messed uo in the head, because he lost a family member, and thought he needed to make something up to UKJ." New Jack says."I don't care, it was my title, I got screwed."

Rhino walks to the beat of his music as he comes to the ring. Evil is upon you is in the ring. Evil goes for Rhinos legs quick. He hits a clip and drags him to the ropes and lands a leg drop on them. Rhino pushes him off to try to stand. Evil comes back to deal out more damage. Rhino punches his way out of the figure four.Rhino whips Evil against the ropes and tries for the clothesline, but Evil ducks it and hits the flying wheel kick. He goes up top and nails Rhino with the 2nd Rope leg Drop. Evil goes for the DDT, but is hit with a Back body drop to ringside. Rhino bashes Evil's back in the post. He places him in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and tries for a moonsault, but Evil counters with a powerslam. Evil covers him, 1....2.....kick out by Rhino. Evil whips Rhino into the ropes and nails the Thrust kick. He stands Rhino up and climbs up top and tries for the dropkick but Rhino nails him with the mother fning GORE!!!!!!! GORE!!!!!!!!!! GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He makes a cover and the ref counts the 1.....2...............3. Rhino wins the match.

ManiaK's music hits.He walks to the ring with a bat in his hands. He gets in the ring and taunts the crowd. "Natural Born Killas" hit and New Jack walks out to the ring with a basket of goodies. ManiaK hits New Jack with a few elbows then a giant clothesline over the top rope. New Jack flies out the ring only to grab a chair. ManiaK goes for a Flying Dive onto New Jack on the outside, but New Jacks smashes the chair into ManiaK in mid flight. New Jack continues to bash ManiaK. ManiaK's blood goes all over the outside. New Jack tries for another chair shot but ManiaK hits the Guillotine into the chair. He takes the chair and hits New Jack repeatedly in the noggin. New Jack can't fight back. He tries to stand but ManiaK nails him more. He grabs for the staple gun and places it on NJ's head, but NJ counters with a low blow uppercut. New Jack takes out a guitar and playes it for a mintue then crushes ManiaK's head with it. New Jack grabs the staple gun and staples ManiaK's head. ManiaK screams in pain. New Jack grabs a table, and sets it up. He puts it in the corner and rolls ManiaK over to it, and props him on it. He runs for a clothesline, but ManiaK sees it coming and drop toe holds NJ into it. ManiaK is able to hit the T-Bone ManiaKPlex. He then whips NJ into the ropes and hit NJ with the bat as he runs passed him. Maniak climbs the top rope and hits the ManiaK Drop on NJ. He goes for the cover and New Jack kicks out. ManiaK puts the chair on NJ's face and lands the leg drop. ManiaK takes New Jack to the outside and throws him onto a awaiting table. From behind, Ugly Kid Joe hits the UglyLine and knocks ManiaK down. He then lands the UglyMan Killer. New Jack rolls ManiaK onto the table. He duct tapes his head and feet to the table. He then climbs the ActionScreen and hits MainaK with the 187 from 15 from the air. He makes the cover and gets the 3 count.

King_Mike_666 makes his way to the ring to face Big Daddy Dudley for the DeathMatch title. BDD takes a chair from the ringside and nails Mike with it. He continues to beat him. The ref tries to stop him, but BDD takes the chair and hits the ref. John Christian runs to the ring anf and declares King Mike the champ due to BDD abusing the ref. The crowd goes WHAT THE F***!!!!

Johnathon Christian and Chris Tacklen walks to the ring. "Ladies and GentleMen it is time for the Endurance Battle Royal.

The participants walk to the ring... and waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rings and they play the game. MegaMeeks is first to go.He is eliminated by Grim HurriKane.Blasty 6 is thrown out by Big Daddy Dudley. Evil is Upon tries to climb tthe ropes but Mara Wana eliminates him.King_Mike_666 gets his ass handed to him as he is thrown from the ring by Rhino. Bluntman throws *Dark*Nachos* to ringside but he holds on and climbs back on. He trips Bluntman and he flys to the outside. New Jack passes ~Endurance~ a free pass to the outside. Big Daddy Dudley flies to the outside due to Grim HurriKane. New Jack doesn't see MaraWana and gets pushes to ringside. *Dark*Nachos* gets eliminated by his own tag partner Rhino. HurriKane nails DarkSmurf with a flying kick and Dark flys to the outside. Mara Wana dropkicks Rhino to the outside. Grim HurriKane tries for the HurriKane-rana on Mara Wana but Mara counters with a Powerbomb to the outside on The HurriKane to be named the NWA World Heaviweight Champion.

"People, we now have a new NWA World Champion, his name is Mara Wana.

Rhino's music blares and he and DarkNachos walk out holding their tag titles. They get in the ring DN holds up the Internet Championship and the tag title in the air. Blasty 6 and The Grim HurriKane walk to the ring. Hurri grabs the mic....He says "I got scre.........DN and Rhino attack B6 and Hurri before he can finish. They punch and fight til the ref breaks them upand sends Rhino and Hurri to the outside. DN and B6 tie up and DN grab B6's head in a headlock. B6 pulls DN up for a back suplex and it connects. He goes for a cover and Rhino breaks it up. Hurri tags B6 and He nails DN with a armbar. He whips him into the ropes and lands a kick to the ribs. Rhino comes in an nails Hurri with a low blow. He sends him to the outside, and he flows sute. DN picks up B6 in a Vertical Suplex but B6 pulls out of it and hits a Underhook Backbreaker. He goes for a BlastySault, but he misses and DN hits the NachoLiner. Rhino comes in and DN and him do a double Suplex.HurriKane jobs from the toprope on Rhino with the HurriKane-Rana. Rhino slides to the outside. He goes uptop and hits a splash on Rhino on the outside. From the crowd comes Bluntman and Mara Wana.They attack B6 and hit the BluntSmoker on him. DN grabs B6 and locks on the CheesyMission. B6 counters with a Low Blow Mule kick and then he hits the BlastardBomb. He covers and DN kicks out. Rhino comes in and nails the gore on HurriKane and B6...Dark Nachos goes to the outside and grabs the Internet title. Rhino has HurriKane in a Powerbomb position. DarkNachos goes like he is gonna hit B6 but he nails Rhino instead. He then grabs Rhino and hits the NachoLiner to Hell. He looks at Rhino......"That is for eliminating me."He drops the title and walks out. HurriKane covers Rhino for the 1.........2...................3........

Blasty 6 and The Grim HurriKane are named the Tag team champs.

Bluntmans and Mara Wana, come to the stage and challenge the champs to a Boogersville and NWA Tag Team title unification match at the next NWA ppv. The Champs agree and the night is over.

Stick around to see what happens.