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NWA has come finally come back......to With Authority!

Thursday .....01.24.02>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<

Well, I now have to say goodbye, ManiaKis leaving NWA for a short while to nurse a injury he recieved a few weeks back. He will not return for quite some time. The Temporary NWA Owner is NEW JACK. He and Bluntman will be running NWA til ManiaK returns. The new weekly event will Rememberance on Saturday's @21:00 ST.THe NWA PPV will be now know as Resurgance...The daye to be released soon. The SuperStarDom pay-per-view and all of its matches will be postponed until ManiaK returns. To find out what happened look below....................

RECAP of what happened to ManiaK.......

ManiaK was having an interview with Jason......This is it

Jason:Maniak, Is it true you and *darkNachos* enter yourselves in the big Tag match at SuperStarDom?

ManiaK: Ugh.....yes you are so...WRONG?

*DN walks in and ask ManiaK something.....ManiaK gets a mad look on his face.

We got to some matches..........then *dark*Nachos walks to the ring, he is gonna face BDD in a match for the World title.

That match goes back and forth......DN hits a few T-Bones, and out of no where ManiaK comes to the ring.....He has a sledgehammer...He looks at Big Daddy Dudley. He hits *Dark*Nachos* instead. He Attacks DN with the sledge and attacks him with a chair also. He hits the Guillotine and puts the chair on DarkNachos face. He slams the Sledge Hammer on DarK Nachos face.The crowd shouts HOLY SHIT..

ManiaK pulls Big Daddy on DarkNachos and counts the oin..1.............2.............3.........Big Daddy is the new world champ..
ManiaK looks at Nachos, he grabs a mic and tells him..I didn't want you as the champanymore....ManiaK turns around, and he looks as he is getting out the ring..From behind ..DarkNachos gets the sledgehammer and nails ManiaK in his already injured leg. He attacks the leg, he smashes the leg with the sledge. He wraps ManiaK's legs around the post and does a figure 4 around the post. The sercurity comes and helps ManiaK up and they take him to the back. Before he goes through the curtains, he gets a mic, and with all his might....he shouts.SCREW YOO YOU'RE FIRED DARKNACHOS.


Bring Your Pain 5................

Well, The tourney was the same as always. Strange. A newcomer, former SWD World Champion, came in a cleared the ring and won the title, but his former boss and former owner of the SWD Johnathon Christian screwed him over, saying he didn't allow him to enter, and gave the title back to The Grim HurriKane.

Bring Your Pain 4.............

*Dark*Nachos* decided to get up and try his luck in the tourney, so he did and he won. He beat The Grim Blastard in the finals, since he won the tourney he didn't have to defend. Good Job *Dark*Nachos*

Here is the Bring Your Pain Tournament[Internet] Results Until It gets it's own page.

Results to BYP3............

Round 1~ ICRWA defeated ~Sparda~
The HurriKane decided to try to win the tourney so he didn't have to defend as he beat blasty six

Round 2~~ Double Elim. The HurriKane and ICRWA drew.

Title Match The HurriKane -v- ICRWA.
By Decision of ManiaK the Internet title would be up for grabs in a Non Turn Limit Match.Pitting HurriKane -v- ICRWA.
Who Won?

The HurriKane slipped by ICRWA

The 2nd Bring You Pain Tourney Results from Jan 6

Round 1~Hurricane defeats *Bobby*Nachos*
Mara Wana gets bye

Round 2~ Hurricane and Mara Wana drew in a match so they were forced to a End of the Battle Royal Match. Hurricane comes out on top

Title Match
The HurriKane[Angle] -v- *Kurt Angle*[X-Pac]
Huricane beats the champ to be crowned the new Internet Champion

Here is some play by play commentary by The HurriKane himself.

The Hurrikane: it was his Xpac v My Angle
The Hurrikane: he started off with European Uppercuts and Round Kicks
The Hurrikane: he then hit a Flip Clothesline
The Hurrikane: and a Spinning Heel Kick
The Hurrikane: he attempted a Clothesline but I countered it with an Arm Drag Takedown
The Hurrikane: then a neck vice
The Hurrikane: then a back body drop
The Hurrikane: the match was taking a turn for the worse for Xpac when I used an
Irish Whip+Spine Buster combo
The Hurrikane: then a Northern Lights suplex
The Hurrikane: followed up by another Spine Buster
The Hurrikane: I went for a Back body drop to ringside but he countered with an
elbow to the back of the head
The Hurrikane: he attempted a Flip Clothesline but I countered with a drop toe hold
The Hurrikane: I then followed up with a string of punches
The Hurrikane: and then a Belly to Belly to Ringside
The Hurrikane: I then tried for a Slingshot into the Post but he autocountered
The Hurrikane: he then used a Round Kick and then stunned me
The Hurrikane: A Spinning heel Kick and I was down
NWA Official ~ ManiaK: oh no
The Hurrikane: but I was a tough guy
The Hurrikane: he attempted a 2nd rope leg drop
The Hurrikane: but That Risk Didn't Pay Off
The Hurrikane: with him seeing stars and me seeing victory I used the infamous
Irish Whip+Spine Buster combo for the win
The Hurrikane: winning my second NwA title was better than winning the first

Watch Out there's a HurriKane comin through

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